There are so many moments that I cherish as a father. But one that always stands out is curling with one of my young children and reading them a book. It is such a great way to have a quiet moment together, teach them a love of books and introduce them to the world. For both of our kids, reading has always been the last thing we do before the lights go out for the evening.
So imagine my delight over the past few years when a number of research studies from across the globe all came to the same finding: Fathers’ reading matters for children – A LOT!
An American study discovered that by reading regularly to their children (just 20 minutes a day!), fathers boost their child’s expressiveness and language development.
A Swedish study found that when fathers read to their elementary aged girls and ask their teenage daughters about school, it helped to prevent depression and improve mental health later in life.
A British study also found that when fathers read regularly to their school age children, the child’s reading level advances faster than children whose father reads to them just once a week.
This finding is repeatedly found in studies across the globe. Children that are read to by their fathers, particularly boys, score higher in reading achievement and general academic development. And in addition to school success, researchers in Minnesota found that fathers’ reading helps children relax and build emotional security too!
The one thing that these research studies haven’t looked at is the benefit Dads reap from this reading ritual. But I don’t think any father who reads regularly to his children needs evidence of how wonderful those moments are!
It’s almost bedtime… time to pick out our books for the evening and start reading!
Click here to read more about the research findings....
Healthy Fathering Collaborative
P.O. Box 606194
Cleveland, OH 44106
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