Key Source Pro Se Consulting and Training: “Giving YOU the Keys To the Courthouse”
Key Source provides training and education to non-custodial fathers to help them gain the confidence and competence it takes to self-manage child support and parenting time concerns. Click on the link above for more information.
Darella Motley
216.369.9120 phone
Custody Mediation Program
Mediation services helping parents develop a personalized parenting and visitation plan. Click on the link above for more information.
Office of Mediation
9300 Quincy, 3rd floor
Susan Organiscak, Manager
Safe and Sound Visitation Center
The Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center's Supervised Visitation Center is a neutral place where children and their non-residential parent(s) can experience “Positive” parenting time or exchange in the presence of a third person who is responsible for observing and ensuring the safety of those present.
Safe and Sound Visitation Center
Deborah Benn
2806 Payne Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
216-229.2420, ext 257
Cuyahoga Office of Child Support Services
The Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support Services is committed to serving the families of Cuyahoga County by providing quality child support services through establishing parentage, enforcing support orders and collecting and disbursing child support.
Click on the link above for more information.
Main Office
Virgil E. Brown Center
1640 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114-2908
216.443.5100 call center
Contact Us
Healthy Fathering Collaborative
P.O. Box 606194
Cleveland, OH 44106
*Email is the preferred form of contact.