LEARN ABOUT how we define a healthy father AND OUR lifespan of fatherhood model
The 14th Annual White Ribbon Day in Cleveland was Friday December 6th 2024, the 35th Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre, the event that led to the founding of the global White Ribbon Campaign. Hundreds took a public stand against gender-based violence that day.
The campaign may be observed on other days in Ohio and around the globe during the 16 days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, between November 25th (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and December 10th (Human Rights Day)
Click here to join the 2025 White Ribbon Campaign as a partner organization and organize your group, organization or family to take a public stand against gender-based violence. People of all genders and ages are invited to participate in the White Ribbon Campaign.
The Healthy Fathering Collaborative extends a specific appeal to fathers to promote and role model nonviolence and respect for others in their families, neighborhoods and communities.
2024 Partners
African American Male Wellness Agency
Another Chance of Ohio
Boehnlein Family
Bright Beginnings
The Centers - El Barrio
Cleveland Muni Probation Dept
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Cuy Cty Dept of Public Safety & Justice Services
Cuy Cty Domestic Relations Court
Cuy Cty Witness Victim Services
Greater Cleveland Food Bank
Healthy Fathering Collaborative
John Carroll University
The Jones Boyz (Peter, Ryan, Evan & Jordan)
Journey Center for Safety and Healing
Laura Cowan Family
Male Minority Leadership Group
North Coast Strategy Partners LLC
Ohio AMS
Ohio Domestic Violence Network
Orange High School
Orange HS GSA - Gender and Sexuality Alliance
Passages Connecting Fathers and Families
Pepper Pike Police Department
Project Woman
United Nations Assn-USA Cleveland Chap
University School
Your Home Financial
We are excited to expand our longtime partnership with Margaret Bernstein and her Dad Storybooks to promote the importance of fathers reading to their children.
Activities will include book giveaways, presentations on Reasons Why Reading with Dad Makes a Difference and interactive activities for dad and kids.
Please Donate to help support this very special partnership.
Click on these links for information about why Fathers Reading Matters and support the Fathers Walk event, empowering father involvement in education.
We're now accepting orders for promotional cards for the September 18, 2025 Fathers Walk in Cuyahoga County - click here to make your order!
We have the resources you need! You can now SEARCH for programs on our website our look through the pages in our Programs for Fathers section.
Have you heard about our White Ribbon Campaign? Take a stand against violence and sign-up to be a partner organization now!